Welcome to Wondering By The Lake! We focus on creativity that speaks from the burning desire to understand life and what is beyond and to live a full inspired life.
Are you a seeker as well? If you are also trying to make sense of life and all that it sends your way, we hope that the art, poetry, products and services offered on this site speak to and inspire you.

Our Mission
To offer prose, art, products, services, and training that reflect and encourage deep and meaningful self-expression and connection that unlocks all that we are in our life experiences and in transcending ordinary moments into extraordinary.

Our Vision
To be a welcoming destination to uncover our true essence, connect with our inner being, and embrace an inspired work and life infused with creativity, imagination, motivation, and enlightenment.

Our Founder
Parto Dehdashti created Wondering By The Lake so that she would be able to share her passion with you. Learn more about how the art, poetry and other products on this site are inspired by her work.