Seeking And Surrendering Poetry Book
Wondering By The Lake presents the Seeking and Surrendering, Poetry on Soul, Self, and a Puzzling Life, authored by Parto Dehdashti. Obtain your paperback or e-book from various online and retail book outlets.
Book Description:
This book is a selection of poems that represent the author’s spiritual journey over the years. The poems express her personal reflections on the nature of life, contemplation of societal beliefs and values, and a search for answers in untangling the concept of self from spirituality. Her poems reflect thoughts and emotions that may seem controversial to readers at times, but that simultaneously unveil important and thought-provoking questions. These free verse poems have been inspired by the author’s conversations, events, and dreams, perspectives ranging from eastern philosophies to quantum physics, and the teachings of Persian poets and western spiritual authors.

For the list of poems in each chapter, check out the links below:
1- Puzzled By Norms, Rules, and Roles
2- Seeking
3- Appreciation and Connection
We look forward to hearing from you about your favorite poems.
Posted in
Authentic Self, Awakening, Books, Inner Wisdom, Life Balance, Oneness, Poetry, Seeking and Surrendering, Spirituality, Transcendence